Sunday, July 13, 2008

I am not in charge of your kid's healthcare.

Sudafed seriously is the new syringe. People buy that all the freaking time. For some reason, they all want the generic Actiphed. We happen to be out of that right telling druggies we don't have that is a bit comical. They leave...probably to consult with their druggie friends...only to come back a couple minutes later to ask for generic Sudafed. Beautiful.

Other interesting incident of the night: Lady comes through drive and drops off her kid's rx. Comes back to pick them up. Rx is for Vigamox...which is an expensive (~$80) eyedrop. I ask if she has insurance....AHM ON MEDEECAID! you have the but I have something that says it is active. Okay, lemme try and run it through. Doesn't go, of course. I tell her that and she's like...well...I don't have the card, my kid just got reinstated. I go through my speel of we needing the card to run it on the insurance and she can pay cash now...bring Medicaid number in...we rerun the rx...and issue refund. Well she doesn't have the money right now and they haven't mailed her the Medicaid card. I told her she could go by the Medicaid office tomorrow (they're closed on weekends) and they can issue her a temporary card so we can run the insurance. Well she needs the eyedrops -now- because her son has an eye infection.


I gave her options...what the hell is it with Medicaid people that don't take charge of their own healthcare? If she wants it now, she can do what the non-special people do and actually pay for their own meds. It's not my damn fault that she can't get off her ass to go to the Medicaid office. We don't just give away meds for free.

Anyways...she left all huffy.

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