Friday, August 5, 2011

Small Update

It's been hella busy this past week. Surprisingly, there was only one incident that stood out.

I was up front, putting up bagged scripts into bins. I dude runs up to the pharmacy counter. He's frazzled and has huge sweat stains in the front of his shirt.

"Ma'am! I need help now. I need something to make somebody throw up, or he's gonna die!!!"

Cue me giving the best wtf look ever.

Pharmacist on duty: "Well there was syrup of ipecac, but that was taken off the market. You should probably take him to the emergency room as soon as possible."


He runs out of the store.

I don't understand how if a person is that much in critical condition that it would be too late for the emergency room yet buying something over the counter can save him.

I found out after reading the very entertaining Apothecary Tales that all oral contraceptives will be required to have zero copays from insurance companies as of August 2012. I just can't wait for the huge abstinence-only backlash that follow. It will be an epic fight.

Pillpharmer aus

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